Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham in Scotland
under the patronage of Saint John Henry Newman

The Order of Compline from Divine Worship: Daily Office

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The Order of Compline

This PDF creats a booklet
1: Print Spread 1 (Pages 12+1)
2: Print Spread 2 (Pages 2+11)
   on the back of the above
3: Print Spread 3 (Pages 10+3)
4: Print Spread 4 (Pages 4+9)
   on the back of the above
3: Print Spread 5 (Pages 8+5)
4: Print Spread 6 (Pages 6+7)
   on the back of the above
This PDF prints two consecutive pages on
A4 paper
1+2, 3+4, 5+6, 7+8, 9+10, 11+12